Test Notebooks

Run unit tests on notebooks in parallel


 test_nb (fn, skip_flags=None, force_flags=None, do_print=False,

Execute tests in notebook in fn except those with skip_flags

test_nb can test a notebook, and skip over certain flags:

_nb = Path('../tests/directives.ipynb')
success,duration = test_nb(_nb, skip_flags=['notest'])
assert success

In that notebook the cell flagged notest raises an exception, which will be returned as a bool:

_nb = Path('../tests/directives.ipynb')
success,duration = test_nb(_nb, showerr=False)
assert not success

Sometimes you may wish to override one or more of the skip_flags, in which case you can use the argument force_flags which will remove the appropriate tag(s) from skip_flags. This is useful because skip_flags are meant to be set in the tst_flags field of settings.ini, whereas force_flags are usually passed in by the user.


 nbprocess_test (fname:str=None, flags:str='', n_workers:int=None,
                 timing:bool=False, do_print:bool=False, pause:float=0.01,
                 symlinks:bool=False, recursive:bool=None,
                 file_re:str=None, folder_re:str=None,
                 skip_file_glob:str=None, skip_file_re:str='^[_.]',

Test in parallel the notebooks matching fname, passing along flags

Type Default Details
fname str None A notebook name or glob to test
flags str Space separated list of test flags you want to run that are normally ignored
n_workers int None Number of workers to use
timing bool False Timing each notebook to see the ones are slow
do_print bool False Print start and end of each NB
pause float 0.01 Pause time (in secs) between notebooks to avoid race conditions
symlinks bool False Follow symlinks?
recursive bool None Include subfolders?
file_re str None Only include files matching regex
folder_re str None Only enter folders matching regex
skip_file_glob str None Skip files matching glob
skip_file_re str 1 Skip files matching regex
ignore_fname str .notest filename that will result in siblings being ignored


  1. _.↩︎